The first step is to scope out your hiring goals with one of our sourcing consultants. Once we understand your project requirements, we then match you with a developer(s) that best fits your needs. We then coordinate schedules and invites with a pool of shortlisted candidates, facilitating efficient interviews while expediting final offers.
You get access to the most talented (top ~5%) service providers and individual devs, screened and put together under one roof. Our algorithms mixed with human matchmaking efforts match you to the developers that best fit your needs & preferences. We validate each proposal for fair pricing, judicious timelines, and adequate detail.
We guarantee a 72 hour (3 working days) search criteria for remote developers.
Once you have submitted your RFP, we will ensure that it contains sufficient requirements that you seek from your developer. We then match you with 2-3 software service providers, who prepare proposals and pitches for your project. In the pitch, you get a budget & a timeline estimate, ratings and reviews of the services providers, portfolios, and past client information.
While highly unlikely, we understand that sometimes things don't work out. If such a situation occurs, we will match you with another company or individual dev and help you with the transition. We offer a 2-week refund policy as well.
Yes, we do, but currently only within the US & Canada due to legal and tax restrictions.
Yes, we can. We charge a 15% headhunting fee for successful hires and offer a 60-day free replacement policy as well.
We do so by using our matching algorithm with oversight from our client success team. We also take into account location, budget, stage of development, company size, specific domain expertise, and past experience. Say you need a Blockchain specialist team - we will connect you with the developer(s) who have experience in Blockchain, ICO’s, Smart Contracts, Etc..
Schedule a call with one of our customer advisors, and we will help you prepare a project scope and timeline. We will also assist with determining a viable budget based on current market conditions. .
We have quite an exhaustive selection process. The process is as
follows: portfolio screening, interviewing, talking to past
clients with multiple references, checking code quality, LinkedIn
verification, physical office due diligence, and at times
conducting technical tests. .
For the complete process visit our vetting process page
here .
Our companies are located worldwide with high concentrations in
the US, South America, and Eastern Europe. However, we only match
companies according to your geographical preferences. If you want
your prospective teams to be in the same time zone or in your
city, we will match you accordingly.
For the individual
developers - US & Canada.
No problem, we have assisted many non-technical co-founders from the planning stage to a successful product launch. We’ll provide a free Project Manager who can act as your team member and lay down product strategies, roadmaps, and the best stack to follow.
Our service providers work in different domains, ranging from Android to Google glass app development, from Oracle's framework to Blockchain technology. However, each service provider has their own strengths, and we try to match you with service providers with a defined and demonstrated strength in your domain. Service providers range from small 2-10 people firms to 500+ enterprises in terms of size.
Yes! Email us at [email protected], and we’ll share the most relevant and most recent case studies with you.
Hiring individual contractors and dev shops are 100% free. No
strings attached.
We have companies based in different parts of the world, catering
to various organizations & businesses. In terms of pricing, we
have companies that charge as low as $15 per hour and companies
that charge over $250 per hour depending on the skill, experience,
and location requirements. However, we match companies based on
your location preferences and budget.
In the case of individual contractors, they usually range between
$80 - $150/hr (US/Canada only).
All of our vendors and their proposals are vetted for their pricing, ensuring that you are not being charged exorbitantly or unfairly. Also, we make sure they have a similar experience to your project. We also make sure that we find teams that are specialized in respective technologies or projects. For example, someone is looking for Magento development, we are confident in finding them someone who make their bread and butter via Magento instead of an agency that does Magento work just because they want to allocate the job to an idle developer.
It depends on the service provider & the project specifications.
While most of the service providers are open to trial periods, at
times, if the project is too small to warrant a trial period,
limitations apply.
In the case of the individual developer - there is no
trial period. However, we will not bill you for any work if you do
not like the developer and plan to terminate the contract within
15 days.
Our service providers and developers have noted professionals in their respective fields, so the chance of any infringement is minuscule. However, your privacy and security are of the utmost importance to us, so we have exhaustive service agreements & NDAs with all of our service providers. Our NDA binds each service provider to standard non-disclosure terms for all information they receive on the Digitalogy platform.
The client owns the legal rights. All of the development done by Digitalogy’s service providers is deemed “work made for hire” and thus, all of the development done is the client's sole property.