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What Does A Python Developer Do?


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In this blog, we will explore why Python is a popular programming language, what Python developers do, and their career trajectory and future growth.

Have you ever seen the impeccable images of space that NASA captured with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)? If you haven’t, it is a sight to behold.

Although comprehending the vastness of the universe is nearly impossible, the technology JWST uses to capture remarkable images is more grounded than one might expect. 

Surprisingly, the general-purpose programming language Python played a significant part in enabling JWST to take and organize these images. If space is not a limit, imagine what Python can do here on Earth.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, data visualization – you can achieve all these by having a Python developer on your team! But the language doesn’t limit itself to these arenas. 

It has vast applications in game development, web development, app programming, web scraping, various quantitative and qualitative analyses, and graphic design.

Although there is sufficient proof to justify why Python programmers are the most coveted in the IT landscape, let’s dive deeper to reverse engineer how they reached this stature. 

Why is Python Popular?

With Python, the sky is the limit. It makes the life of developers drastically easier; thus, it’s the 2nd most-used programming language with a community of 15.7 million developers. 

Python’s popularity in web and software development stems from its ability to create intricate, multi-protocol applications while retaining a concise and readable syntax. Notably, numerous widely used applications have been developed using Python. 

Moreover, Python’s open-source community offers developers a wealth of reusable code, frameworks, and assistance. 

For instance, Django, a well-known Python framework, was created by experienced developers to aid others in accelerating their application development process and overcoming potential obstacles that could hinder their progress.

Pros of Python

  • Open-source community
  • Easy to learn
  • Increases speed and productivity in complex applications
  • Strong standard library
  • Portable and interactive (can be run on different platforms without changing the code)

Cons of Python

  • Slower runtime as compared to compile languages like C or C++
  • Slower execution as code in interpreted line-by-line
  • Higher memory usage
  • Offbeat choice for mobile development
  • Limited access to the database

Use Cases of Python

The versatility of this programming language makes it the preferred solution for many big names out there. Here is a list for your review:

  1. Google – Python finds applications in various aspects of Google, such as core search algorithms, APIs, and Google App Engine, illustrating the extensive dependence of the teams on this adaptable programming language.
  2. YouTube – According to OmniCore, it has 2.5 billion active users, 1 billion hours of video watched every day, and revenue of $29 billion in 2022. The language’s famed speed is put to use by developers to create features quickly. 

Whether viewing videos, controlling web templates, accessing canonical (duplicate) data, etc., it’s all Python behind the scenes.

  1. Facebook – Per the Lead, Python constituted 21 percent of the platform’s infrastructure codebase in 2020. Facebook has an extensive user base, which results in the usage of thousands of libraries and writing millions of lines of code.

Python manages Facebook’s hardware lifecycle, encompassing tasks like scheduling, automating maintenance, server imaging, and network switch setup. 

  1. Netflix – The responsibility of security, algorithms for recommendations, and proprietary content distribution networks falls on the shoulders of Python developers. The language is used extensively for content recommendations, personalized artwork, and even marketing. The Python libraries are used for analyzing large data sets.
  2. Spotify –  At Spotify,  80% of the back-end services are written and maintained by Python developers for extracting user data and analyzing it to recommend relevant songs and playlists.

The company also heavily utilizes Python async frameworks to assist services that experience input/output (IO) bottlenecks.

Therefore, hiring Python developers for your business is bound to bring good results.

What are Python Developers?

They are dedicated developers who design, code, and deploy projects in Python. Moreover, ensuring that these projects function as intended through debugging also falls into the scope of their responsibility.

That said, their home base is usually server-side (backend).

A Python Developer could be tasked with various responsibilities in a typical workday, such as developing applications for the employer, designing the code framework, building necessary tools, creating websites and integrated systems, and launching new services.

Working as a Python coder also entails working on cross-team projects. 

It is normal to see Python programmers working with data collection and analytics teams to answer business questions and derive insights.

In addition to this, some specific roles and responsibilities for every Python programmer vary according to the industry they are working in.

Why are Python Developers in Demand?

Python is in great demand in the corporate world due to its versatility in development and data analysis tasks. As a result, job seekers often prioritize learning and mastering Python as a top skill. 

According to Statista, recruiters worldwide ranked Python as the third most sought-after programming language in 2022, and 40% of employers are actively seeking candidates with Python proficiency.

Skills of a Python Developer

A profession in Python programming requires a combination of technical and interpersonal skills. As previously mentioned, the skills for every niche sector differ according to roles and responsibilities. However, these basic skills can take you a long way:

Hard SkillsTechnical SkillsSoft Skills
Strong knowledge of Python: object-oriented programming, basic Python syntax, semantics, primitive data types, and arithmetic operators.Expertise in Python language and dev toolRobust knowledge of backend frameworks like Flask and DjangoWorking experience with Python libraries and frameworks: NumPy, SciPy, and PandasSoftware engineering and web development processProficiency in database management through MySQL, MongoDBVersion control of files and source codes – GIT and SVN systemsExperience with DevOps (Jenkins, Docker, Ansible)Best practices for security and data protectionKnowledge of cloud tech: AWS and Microsoft AzurePractical application in Python developmentUnderstanding of testing frameworksCompetence in Python web developmentKnowledge of GUI (graphic user interface) librariesUsing and connecting applications with the help of ORM (Object Relational Mapper)Knowledge of coding standards and best practicesOptimizing applications for performance and scalabilityPython scripting and automationPrimitive knowledge of front-end technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3Excellent communicationProblem-solving & analytical skillsWorking independently and in collaborationTime managementAbility to multi-task projects

Depending on skillset and proficiencies, Python programmers can be subdivided into full-stack (frontend + backend) or backend developers.

Job Description: Python Programmer 

Python Developers have a broad range of responsibilities due to the wide applications of Python.

  • Designing and creating effective websites and applications using Python.
  • Writing reusable, efficient, and testable Python code is crucial to their role.
  • Unification of data storage solutions and user-facing elements also comes under the job’s scope.
  • Responsible for creating integrative systems and implementing high-availability, low-latency applications.
  • Working on database schemas and ensuring data and security protection.
  • In a team, they design, code, and debug Python projects.
  • Providing scripting design and support for automation deployment.
  • Developing web frameworks for new codes
  • Data review and Internet research
  • Constructing back-end components to connect various parts of the application.

Therefore, Python Developers are versatile programmers who handle various tasks ranging from web development to database management and play a crucial role in creating, managing, and improving Python projects.

Tools Used by Python Developers

Software Development
PyCharmIt is a Python programming IDE (integrated development environment) that combines various coding tools and featuresOffers intelligent code completion, debugging, unit testing, and refactoring capabilities.
Sublime TextFree Python code editorIt offers services like multiple selections, a command palette, and Python syntax highlightingProvides support for Python frameworks like Django and Flask.
Visual Studio CodeDeveloped by MicrosoftCode editor equipped with a wide range of plugins for programming tasks like debugging and code refactoring.
Data Science and Machine Learning
Sickit-LearnIt boasts swift performance and speedA user-friendly API and publicly accessible tools for data mining and analysis in data science and machine learning. It can perform operations like model selection, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and preprocessing. 
KerasThe Open-source Python library is designed for ML and Deep LearningUser-friendliness, modularity, and easy extensibility. It enables effortless expression of neural networks and is compatible with popular frameworks like TensorFlow, CNTK, and Theano.
TheanoThis Python library is created to work with multi-dimensional arrays. It allows users to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical computations involving these arrays.Additional features of Theano include a smooth compilation of NumPy, GPU utilization, efficient symbolic differentiation, speed and stability enhancements, dynamic C code generation, and comprehensive unit testing.
SciPyPython-based open-source library ecosystem widely employed in scientific and technical computing, covering Mathematics, Science, and Engineering.Utilizes packages like NumPy, IPython, and Pandas to provide specialized libraries for various math and science programming tasksA powerful tool for numerical manipulation and generating visualizations.
Automation Testing
SeleniumIt is an openly available automation framework for creating web applications.Allows writing of test scripts in multiple programming languages, such as Java, C#, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, and .Net.Allows testing across various browsers on Windows, macOS, and LinuxIntegration with tools like JUnit and TestNG for efficient test case management and reporting
RobotOpen-source test automation framework primarily used for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD).Utilizes a keyword-driven approach and tabular test data syntax.Supports various test automation requirements and can be extended by integrating Python or Java libraries. Suitable for testing web applications, Android, and iOS.
TestCompleteCommercial automation testing software facilitates web, mobile, and desktop automation testing. A user-friendly record and playback feature that supports keyword-driven testing. Compatible with various scripting languages, including C++, VBScript, and Python.Test script maintenance is made easier by its GUI object recognition capabilities, which can find and update UI objects.
Web Scraping
BeautifulSoupThis library is popular for Python web scraping, i.e. extracting data from HTML and XML files.Using Pythonic idioms, a parser can navigate, search, and modify the parse tree.It can handle automatic Unicode-to-UTF-8 conversions and is particularly useful for screen-scraping projects, saving significant time and effort.
ScrapyIt is a quick and robust web crawling and scraping framework.It is used to develop web crawlers that collect data from websites.Carries out various tasks, including data mining and automated testing.It can efficiently run on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Financial Analysis
NumPy/ SciPy/PandasThese libraries are extensively employed in the financial industry for fast and complex computations. Used for importing stock market data import data on stock prices and generating strategies through algorithms to identify trading opportunities.  Employes algorithms to develop trading strategies and handle portfolio optimization, risk management, financial modeling, visualization, cryptocurrency analysis, and fraud detection.
Artificial Intelligence
PyBrainProvides developers with robust machine learning algorithms, and its visualization capabilities enable the transformation of large AI or ML datasets into clear graphs or reports.
PyTorchIt is a standard framework for deep learning, which trains AI systems.

What Jobs Can You Get as a Python Developer?

Web Developer

Web Developers often focus on either “front-end” or “back-end” development. Python programmers who excel in both arenas are known as “Full-Stack Developers.” 

They handle tasks related to website layout and server-side responsibilities and regularly update and add new content to websites. 

Web Developers actively collaborate with management and other programmers to achieve the design and functionality of the website.

Python Developer

Their prime focus is on server-side tasks involving writing logic and developing platforms. 

Their duties involve deploying apps and working with design and development teams to produce websites or applications suited to user needs. 

They also integrate front-end developers’ work within the  Python program.

Software Engineer

Akin to developers, software engineers are also tasked with writing, testing, and deploying the Python code. 

These professionals integrate applications, debug programs, and enhance and maintain software. 

Their daily activities revolve around ensuring the smooth functioning of active programs, updating software, resolving bugs, and creating new programs for various technologies and platforms, ranging from smart home devices to virtual assistants.

Data Analyst

Data analysts gather, arrange, and interpret data to generate valuable insights. 

They collect substantial data, sort through it, and compile essential datasets aligned with the organization’s objectives.

Using Python libraries, Data Analysts conduct data analysis, parse information, analyze datasets, and create visualizations to communicate their findings for the organization’s benefit effectively.

Data Scientist

Data Science requires a significantly more sophisticated skill set compared to Data Analysis. The field combines computer science, mathematics, statistics, and modelling with in-depth business and industry knowledge. Data Scientists aim to discover new possibilities and strategies. Enrolling in a Data Science Course can provide the necessary training and expertise in these areas. Moreover, Data Scientists frequently use machine learning, crafting statistical models, and designing organizational data structures.

They aim to discover new possibilities and strategies.

Moreover, Data Scientists frequently use machine learning, crafting statistical models, and designing organizational data structures.

Machine Learning Engineers
ML Engineers conduct statistical analysis and deploy machine learning algorithms for AI applications.

They handle enormous real-time data by transforming theoretical data science models into production-level models. 

Product Manager

Product Managers are accountable for understanding customer needs and aligning them with business goals for a product or feature.

Data is integral to their work, and they utilize Python to investigate new features and products, advocating for their development and integration into existing products. 

By automating reports and analysis, Product Managers become less reliant on the Data Science team and can enhance processes by leveraging data-driven insights to address challenges effectively.

Salary of Python Developers

Based on data provided by Glassdoor, in the United States, the average annual salary for Python developers varies depending on their work experience.  Additionally, it lists Amazon, Apple, and Google as the top-paying companies.

LevelExperienceSalaryArea of work
Junior0 – 3 years$96,228Simple Python programming tasks and assisting in developing basic Python applications under the guidance of more experienced developers.
Middle4 – 6 years$113,877Capable of handling more complex programming tasks, including developing Python web applications.
Senior10 -14 years$131,124Senior developers have managerial roles and lead teams. They have advanced Python programming skills and work on challenging projects. 

These numbers are approximate and can vary based on individual factors and different companies. 

The Future of Python

Python has widespread applications everywhere today. It is extensively employed to create numerous technologies, websites, and systems.

It drives various applications, from popular video streaming services to machine learning algorithms used for cryptocurrency.

That said, due to web development’s incremental complexity, Python Developers are expected to be in continuous demand in the future. 

It is no secret that AI and ML are and will be extensively used in the programming field, once again reinstating the importance of Python developers for their employers. 

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